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4 Benefits of Team Building Ahead of a New Year

Written by Tom Frampton | 01-Dec-2016 13:00:00

As a new year approaches many businesses will be looking back at the year to reflect on progress made; what went well, what didn’t, and what could potentially be changed going forward in the next 12 months.

Taam building activities can be highly effective in kick-starting goals for the year ahead and ensuring employees all work together to achieve success. If you’re looking to increase productivity within the workplace, team building could be exactly what you need.

Below are 4 major benefits of using team building activities at the start of a new year:

1. Motivation

Knowing how to keep your team motivated on a daily basis is difficult, even more so when the highs of the festive season have passed. Arranging a team building event or programme at the start of the year can help to banish the January blues and refresh and motivate employees ahead of a new project. When individuals succeed in activities, they become more confident, resulting in more enthusiasm when they return to the workplace.

2. Trust

Trust is essential in any team, especially if you’re introducing new members to the workforce, or merging teams together. Team building is all about uniting employees around a common goal and allowing them to work together to achieve this goal. This significantly contributes towards building trust amongst employees and as a result, ensures greater productivity.

3. Communication

If your business lacks communication and your staff members struggle to cooperate with one another, there are a number of effective team building activities that can help mould your employees into a team and improve communication. Companies are more productive when everyone works together to achieve a goal and an effective team building programme can really help to enhance communication between colleagues.

4. Relationship Building

Team building requires employees to collaborate closely with one another in order to complete the task at hand. This allows relationships to develop quickly amongst individuals, and can be a great way for team members to get to know each other on a more personal level outside the working environment.